VSCO Aesthetic Clothes

What is the VSCO aesthetic?

VSCO is an aesthetic that has become famous in the final couple of years. It takes its call from an app referred to as VSCO as well. This aesthetic is related to high quality vibes, being eco-friendly, and having a satisfying online environment. So VSCO aesthetic is composed of humans assume and appearance similarly. They use TikTok and Instagram regularly and try and show their high quality vibes and fashion to others.


How to become a VSCO girl?

There are some VSCO girl traits that you cannot miss. Like polaroid cameras, crocs, birkencstocks, shell necklaces and beach-related stuff -because they love to save sea turtles-. So after you achieve the VSCO girl perspective you can check for Streetwear Society Store VSCO girl aesthetic collection and choose some wallet-friendly clothes that will complete your style. 


What is the VSCO style? 

VSCO style is all about looking effortlessly but elegant. VSCO girls often wear oversized t-shirts and shorts but they also have a more serious style. Like striped shirts, leather jackets, knitted pieces, and teddy coats. You can shop for all of these and more on Streetwear Society Store.